
Trieste Science + Fiction Festival, Urania Award Silver 2016 Rutger Hauer

The Urania Silver Award in 2016 for lifetime achievement, recognition created as part of Trieste Science + Fiction Festival in collaboration with Mondadori Urania, will be ‘awarded Dutch actor Rutger Hauer, in particular for his role in Blade Runner by Ridley Scott.

Rutger Hauer will attend ‘the sixteenth edition of the international festival dedicated to science fiction films that take place’ from 1 to 6 November 2016 in Trieste and withdraw ‘Friday’ award on November 4 during the ceremony scheduled to Tripcovich room. Hauer and ‘now, playing the replicant Roy Batty in Blade Runner, absolute icon of modern science fiction film, thanks to the famous monologue that reads “I’ve seen things you people would not believe: combat ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion, and I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near
the Tannhäuser Gate.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. It’s time to die. “

In the BBC documentary “Dangerous Days: On the Edge of Blade Runner,” Hauer, director Ridley Scott and screenwriter David Peoples declared that it was the Dutch actor to write the monologue of one of the most ‘memorable sequences and touching story of the cinema.
The Urania Award Silver and ‘was awarded in 2002 to the great masters who worked under the great Christopher Lee, Pupi Avati, Dario Argento, George Romero, Bruce Sterling, Alejandro Jodorowski, Terry Gilliam, Gabriele Salvatores, Roger Corman , Joe Dante, Enki Bilal, Ray Harryhausen,
Alfredo Castelli, Jimmy Sangster and Lamberto Bava.

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